Welcome to x!aO Hao's wonderland =)
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Can i 4get things that passed aWay and continue My Happy life ??? 

Some1 must Tell me About it...

Complicated Leos = x!Ao HaO


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
10:28 PM


 Haix... 2day My fren(James Chu) BirthDay... Yesterday ady go celebrate wif him and some frens... we go kk Corner eat... wow so delicious...  2day after skull oso got go eat eat wif him... ^^

(About My Love)

Haix... Now She Start no reply my Sms ady.. T.T  I reali Love her...  

I very Scare Saw her at skull... duno wan say wad wif her ... and scare she duwan talk to me oso.. T.T

At skull... i wants to see her.... but imposible... i reali reali miss her...  

Will she  giv me 1 more chance ??? haix......  

Tats all Barhx... 

Leo Boy aka Zhe hao T.T


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
9:55 PM


Kay... now all is Gone !!! i and u like dunoe le ???  i say wad oso no use ady ??? i wan find u, talk to u... but, u will run after see dao me ???

Cry oso no use 4 me ... i m very fan to u...  i noe....  but , did u noe ??? wad is  Lov3 ???  Lik3 and Lov3 is not Same !!!    I now very Sad... but just Act like ntg happen... Did u noe ???  how pain i hurt ???  

3verytime... when sms or msn wif u ... My feel to u is Comming Again... but, we just break...  I scare 1day, we Fren oso canot becume...  I reali reali Lov3 u... 

Hope U will c This ... Thxs 



5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
10:34 PM


Erm... i hav many day ady din't up-date my Blog... tis few days bz little bit...

Yesterday morning, i Broke wif her ady... I m very SAD about This... now 4am... i still cant sleep cause of thinking about This... Haix... I Noe i Wrong ady... Sry , Sry , Sry , Sry , Sry, Sry , Sry, SRy ,Sry ,Sry, Sry,Sry,Sry,Sry,Sry,Sry,Sry,Sry,Sry, Sry, and Sorry...

I reali Lov3 her... but, would she 4give me ? would she giv me 1 more chance ? would she back to me ? tell me Plz !!! 

I hope [MY](you) can see this... I lov3 you 4ever and ever Until my Last Breathe... 


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
4:05 AM


Haix... 2day dunoe wad day... 

At 10.30 i wake up... Because 2day is Sunday, so i think to hav a rest at Home...

OMG... when i on9... i dunoe y... feel like some weird about 2day...

I 2day late Sms [MY] , we jus chat awhile onli... because she wants brings cousin go shopping...

So i just rest at home without things to do... dunoe y... i feel wan to Muntah...

OMG !!! i Was sick... i cant eat anythings , and onli can drink water onli....

Drink water oso , after 5 or 10 min will Muntah Back... T.T .... 

2day not feeling well...Haix... dunoe Wad will Hapens in the Next Day...

Sick Leo BoyZ... T.T


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
10:58 PM


 2day i wake up lat3 ady.... About 10.30 onli wake up.... 

2day din't go Scout cause skull got PMR... so, at home lo...

Afternoon,[MY] sms me, Says she can on9... so i chat wif her until 6.00 like tat..

Verry Happy can chat wif her...

About 7 like tat , i go Pasar Malam Wif my brothers... 

Nothings Special for 2day... Haix...



5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
9:28 PM


2Day i ady have A own Blog ^^ ... I am so happy .... Hope u all can Fully Support me... ^^

5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
11:53 PM

The Caring Soul Y

x!Ao HaO
SMK Taman Connaught
birthday: 20th August of 3veryyear
so on about me

Loves Y

loves Sms
loves On9
loves Gai gai
loves Got $$$
loves Act Movies
loves Many Friends
loves C Movie
loves Tells Jokes
loves Familys

Hates X

hates No hp $$$
hates Cant On9
hates No $$$
hates No Friends
hates No Familys
hates Ppl Say Me Bad Things
hates Playboys/Playgirls
hates Exam
hates Fakerx

We share Y
here goes your tagboard.
cbox recommended.

Buddies Y
pui ying
james chu
pui teng

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Records Y

October 2009 :D
November 2009 :D
December 2009 :D
March 2010 :D
June 2010 :D
September 2010 :D
October 2010 :D

Thanks Ybr>

Leave this section alone.Thanks for your coorperation.;)

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