Welcome to x!aO Hao's wonderland =)
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5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
12:10 PM

Hehe.. Jump lol ^^


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
12:08 PM

Wif Sunways de leo Erh ^^


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
12:05 PM


Walau... !!! so innocient man...

Haix... duno how say u le.... Now u and him friend oso not...

if u love the ppl then love lo... y u friend oso duwan b wif him ?

Y u wan say bu gan Mian Dui ?

U nid to mian dui wif him d, u must... dun dui zi ji mei xin xin... ==

Haix... Duno wan say wat liao...

Always make me no mood le... T.T

If that ur last decision... i oso duno still can say wat...

No mood say jor le... Huh !

Zhe . Hao


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
1:20 AM


Gai Gai Erh ^^

5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
1:01 PM


Loong time no update dy lolx... Very buzy d...

Huhuhu... Now got frens oso lik no frens oso....

Wan help them de... but still wan xxxx me...

sume more geng jor...
Can make me As a things to laugh at fb oso...

Haix.... Say Wat gud fRen la... better leave me alone....

why must think short distance?
why no ppl can think long distance like me ?
So like Care ur face ? then u man man care....
I Kuek zhe hao , Rather lose my face b4 add 1 more problem...
problem cume out ? who will get worry ? my mum izit ?
CAnt make many problem jor... Everytime c her upset.. haix...
i also no mood to say it jor.... T.T

Next time Say more ^^ ..

by... Zhe .Hao


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
5:26 PM


Hey Hey ^^

ku3kzai here^^
still more 20++ skull wanna open jor lur...
nid prepare 4 my war(SPM) ler !!!
i now wan concentrate at study liao ^^
dun wan play play lox...
nid becume more mature jor ^^
now holiday i work catering leh...
2day cham lur... when i do satay !!! my hand burned T.T
walau.. dunoe nid how many day to get back my nice hand leh...
wait more few week mayb can cook at catering jor... ^^ happy leh ^^

Single is good ^^

Leo Zai


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
2:12 AM

The Caring Soul Y

x!Ao HaO
SMK Taman Connaught
birthday: 20th August of 3veryyear
so on about me

Loves Y

loves Sms
loves On9
loves Gai gai
loves Got $$$
loves Act Movies
loves Many Friends
loves C Movie
loves Tells Jokes
loves Familys

Hates X

hates No hp $$$
hates Cant On9
hates No $$$
hates No Friends
hates No Familys
hates Ppl Say Me Bad Things
hates Playboys/Playgirls
hates Exam
hates Fakerx

We share Y
here goes your tagboard.
cbox recommended.

Buddies Y
pui ying
james chu
pui teng

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Records Y

October 2009 :D
November 2009 :D
December 2009 :D
March 2010 :D
June 2010 :D
September 2010 :D
October 2010 :D

Thanks Ybr>

Leave this section alone.Thanks for your coorperation.;)

Adobe photoshop