Welcome to x!aO Hao's wonderland =)
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1st time we TAlk....

everytimes just see each others...
and Smile toward....

Duno Since when...
just wanna Always see eu...

mayb i knew tis my wrong timing for express my love towards u...
u still likes ur ex bf de i noe...
it's too late ...
i have told u everythings about my love to u...

1st time take wif u hp number scare nothings to chat...
cas i noe my ppl de la...
chat chat xia then no reply ady...
after take...
i try sms like normally...
but i feel.. i wont bored chatting wif u...
but i happy to chat wif eu always...

sometimes, i can call u is my lucky time..
1st time call u...
i duno say wat...
wan say halo but scare fish... ><
then i "ehem ehem..."
u laugh...
so happy hear ur laugh...
can make u laugh is my happy things...

now everyday we chat...
i'm very happy and wont bored of it...
jux scare u will feel some bored or feel me is annoying....
oh ya...
u say ur memories not gud...
Told me...
"help me memories tat i onli can eat breakfast on saturday and sunday onli,
Every SAturday i will go to tuition....
Every Friday i Go pasar Malam...
and told u u'r 14 not 13..."
but u'r still 13 geh cas havent pass birthday...^^

ur birthday is gonna near...
after skull directly go home and ready go buy for ur gift...
at the way...
i ask u...
ur wat rumah sukan ?
actually wanna noe u like wat colour...
at midvalley...
just buy a normal watch...
hope u like it...
keep sms wif u...
lie u say i wan study at 12.00 ask u pui me...
but atually wanna call to to wish happy birthday...
u cant..
call u earlier...

ur birthday...
bad News to me...
i accident...
1st ppl to call is u...
u cares me ? yup..
mayb cas i'm acident so u treat more gud... ?

makes me think too much....

mayb gud day for u all but not me...
haix... duno wat happen ady...
sudenly u say...
erm.. the things u ask me i think i will late little answer u barh...
wait we more shou 1st..
and i also duwan like last time de things happend....

after tis message....
duno sudenly...
ur message to me like cold ady...
or i think too much ?
i duno... the answer jux on u...

just sms like normally...
an unknown number sms me...
+60129*#3 duno thr write wat...
Feel Somethings Bad Gonna Happened to Me...
u ask me a question again...
if I SAy no u Will how ?

KAy... i understand wat the meaning ady...

It's Over ....

But still...
nothing can change my love for u...

Stop at here i think...




5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
11:53 PM


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
11:37 PM


Who has changed my world.
No directions , no day and night.
As I look at the sky, at this moment, I think of u.
Wonder if u have the same longing for me as I do for you.
You once said that we have a dream.
Waiting for that day... when we make that dream come true.
I glazed up at the sky... reading outloud in my heart silently.
Wishing that the next second, you'll appear before my eyes.
You are the one who fills up the longing in my heart.
You are the one whom my piano plays tribute to.
Your name fills up my diary.
To finally find out that there is another dawn.
This is the accumulation of my love for You.


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
5:09 AM


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
3:54 PM


I've forgoteen how long it has been.
Since the last time i heard you.

Tell me your favourite story.
I have tought a long time.

I start to panic.
Wondering if i hav done somethings wrong again.
You told me as you cried.
That everythings in fairy tales are all lies.
I couldn't possibly be your prince.
But perhaps you don't understand either.

Ever since you told me you loved me.
All the stars in my sky have brightened.

I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale.

The angle that you loved.
I extend this pair of hands.
And turn them into wings to protect you.

You must believe.

Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale.
Where blessings and happieness is the ending.


5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
4:43 AM


Hey ! Tis My 1st T-shirt ... (The Kuek !)
who wan can tell me...
price havent confirm ^^
My msn is zhehao930820@hotmail.com

5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
10:02 AM


i Can b Champion at marching anot ?

How ? How ? How ?

Anggerik must no.1

My hope just at my hand...
How would open it ?

I wan no.1

I wan do my best !!!

5,4,3,2,1 Stare! Y
5:46 PM

The Caring Soul Y

x!Ao HaO
SMK Taman Connaught
birthday: 20th August of 3veryyear
so on about me

Loves Y

loves Sms
loves On9
loves Gai gai
loves Got $$$
loves Act Movies
loves Many Friends
loves C Movie
loves Tells Jokes
loves Familys

Hates X

hates No hp $$$
hates Cant On9
hates No $$$
hates No Friends
hates No Familys
hates Ppl Say Me Bad Things
hates Playboys/Playgirls
hates Exam
hates Fakerx

We share Y
here goes your tagboard.
cbox recommended.

Buddies Y
pui ying
james chu
pui teng

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Records Y

October 2009 :D
November 2009 :D
December 2009 :D
March 2010 :D
June 2010 :D
September 2010 :D
October 2010 :D

Thanks Ybr>

Leave this section alone.Thanks for your coorperation.;)

Adobe photoshop